Sunday, December 20, 2020

Forecast for price of VLSFO in 2021

For IMO 2020, shipowners have few options to comply the rule. It is SOx scrubber system with HSFO, VLSFO iteself, or fuel conversion to LNG. But practically, LNG solution is not feasible 100% right now. So, actually, there are two options only. And the price difference between VLSFO and HSFO
(the “oil spread”) is important factor for owner’s decision. Due to lack of VLSFO facility(distilled facilities) and sudden higher demands, it was expected very high price of VLSFO and it looked right around end of 2019 and early 2020. But since IMO 2020 went into effect on 1st Jan. 2020, VLSFO price has fallen dramatically due to combination of COVID-19 outbreak and economic recession. The biggest oil spread* was USD 350/mt and the smallest was only USD 33/mt.
* Oil spread : Fuel price difference between VLSFO and HSFO.

<Oil spread chart / Reference : Clarksons report>

<Oil trend chart / Reference :>

Simple question! Both HSFO and VLSFO are produced based on crude oil. It means their price should follow the trend of crude oil price. For the price of HSFO, it followed the trend, but for the VLSFO, it was not. The trend of crude oil and HSFO showed “V” shape but VLSFO showed “L” shape. It was the reason why oil spread got less in 2020. It means price of VLSFO is free from price trend of the crude oil. How is it possible? Because VLSFO was produced by method of blending not by distilled. In case of blending oil, its quality is expected poor and it leads damage for the main engine. But it was not. Why?

Because at cheap price, high quality jet oil and diesel oil used in VLSFO blends due to consuming of aviation and car oil market were also collapsed.
So, oil suppliers could catch both quality and price of oil very well!

However, if these oils cannot come for the blending anymore by recovering of economy & traveling, it means most VLSFO has to product only by distilled method. Then there must be lack of supply and VLSFO will get expensive extremely.

It is already excited how the VLSFO price increase in 2021.
In my opinion, oil spread will be around USD 150 – 200/mt sooner or later.

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